My Original Artwork
Miscellaneous Art

     This is my artwork that I couldn't find a place for in my other groups, so I made this miscellaneous page. I don't have very many pictures here, as you can see, but have fun.


This was a place from a short story I created. I entered this one in my protfolio to get into art school.


This one was drawn for my Geometry teacher. I was inspired to draw this one because of a letter he wrote in my annual. It doesn't look as good on the computer as it does face to face though.


This one is a still life (finally somthing not out of my weird imagination). At first the background was white, and my art teacher told me to put a background color in it, so I did. I was hesitant at first, but I think the yellow came out pretty good. I turned this one into the art school also.


Not much to say about this one. I drew it in some class obviously.


This is a detailed horse I drew with pen obviously. It took a while to do. I think I did this one about 3 or 4 years ago.


This is a detailed bird simmilar to the horse I drew above. This one took me longer to do than the horse. I entered this pic in for the art school.


These are just some weird-looking shoes I drew. I used a varity of browns in the shoes. It came out ok.


This is just some GUY I drew. This isn't anyone I know or have seen. I turned this one into the art school.

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