My Original Artwork
My original sketches

These are some old sketches--well, most of them are old. I don't have many of them, but I'm going to add some more soon.


This is some lady I made up. I thought she kinda looked like a fortune teller. The corn rows in her hair took me a while. The eyes are kinda weird and different, but that's ok with me.


This is obviously a mermaid. I wanted to make the tail a little different, so it wouldn't be the same old same old-looking mermaid. It looks more like a dragon tail, but that's ok. I think it looks cool :P


This is a two headed dragon. I forgot what kinds of pencils I used to do this one with. The shading is pretty good. This is the updated version. I entered this one for the art school, but before I entered it, my art teacher suggested that I make the dragon sit on somthing. So I edited this pic a little, and now the dragon is sitting on a rock. I'll have to scan it in someday.


On this pic, I should have erased the lines on the bottom. I like this pic but when I drew it, I didn't know whether or not to make the dragon be sitting on somthing. I guess I just forgot to erase those lines.


I did this one in some class (probably biology). It turned out good, but then I messed it up with the pen. I started to outline it with pen thinking, "Wow, this will look great." but as you can see, I didn't think that for long. Errr I make myself mad somtimes. I think I'm going to redo this one soon to make it look better.

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