What a craptacular picture! This is my very first anime character, Lammy. Yes, you are free to laugh at it if you
wish (I did). I didn't finish the braid on the back of the hair obviously. Oh well, it wouldn't make a difference anyway.
1999 |

No, this isn't Lammy. This is just a random character. It's pretty improved from that previous year, 1998.
2000 |

This is just some cat girl I drew. Not much to say about it. I put it in the My Original Anime page if you want to read
a little more about it.
2001 |

I was inspired to draw this pic during my good track season back when I actually liked running. I did an ok job
with this one. I was always embarrassed to show this one. I don't know why. Maybe cause it kinda looked like me or somthing,
and I would always get asked, "Is that you?" It's not me, people! I don't have a horn coming out of my head, a horse tail,
and hair that comes down to my tailbone. Ugh, jeez.

This was one of my first pics colored on the computer. Her name was Satsuma I believe; she was like the protecter
of the earth lol. I put way too many highlights on her clothes though. The Chinese letter on the round shield on her
chest means "earth". I was really into Chinese things that year lol.
2002 |

At first I didn't like the hair color, but once I put in the skin color, it looked good. I got really attached to this
character for some reason....I guess I just liked to draw her.

This was one of my first digitally colored pics of Shezara. I was mainly trying to figure out a way to put a glowing
accent around her and make it look like light, which is somewhat hard to do on Photodelux. Well, I did, and I'm glad I used
the gold color. It made the character stand out more, but it still looks more like a glowing vapor and not a light. This is
one reason I want Photoshop--the only problem is that it's 700 bucks : (
2003 |

Yet another picture of Shezara. This pic looks better face to face because it pops out of the page more when you look
at it up close. I did this one with my pastel pencils. I love my pastel pencils cause they can create alot of depth. Also
I had to figure out a way to make parts of the clothes transparent, so I noticed that when things are covered by transparent
matterial, they always seem lighter than the part of the subject that isn't covered by transparency. So I basicly colored
the parts of this character, which were transparent, lighter and without as much depth as the parts without transparent clothing.

Hmm I totally forgot about this one. It's not on my anime page, so I thought I'd put it on this page. The best part
about this pic to me is the skirt. I was just playing around with Photodelux one day, and discovered that neat, fire-looking
2004 |

My Eniglish teacher wanted me to draw a pic for her before I left that school, so I drew her this cute little chibi chibi
girl. This one also looks better face to face cause it was done with pastel pencil. There's one mistake in this one that I
wasn't even thinking about when I drew it. I'll let you figure it out.

I like this girl. I think the experession on her face gives her character. It kinda reminds me of myself--just like "ah
whatever" while I sit through chemistry class. This one started off on notebook paper, and the way the fingers were drawn
looked like she was flipping some people off lol (well at least my geometry teacher said so lol). So I did some editing on
the fingers and it doesn't look that way now.