My Original Artwork
About me


       Well, well, well, I never knew you'd be this interested or bored or just curious to visit this page.  My name is Lauren. To the left is a pic of me and Bijou (from Hamtaro). I figured since no one comes to this site, that I could just go ahead and add a pic of me. It's not the prettiest pic, but I'm not that photogenic, so I don't really care.  Anyway, As I've told you, I've drawn all of this myself. I've been drawing ever since I can remember. Thanks to many people's encouragement over the years to keep drawing, I've gotten better and I'm soon to be attending an art school that accepted me. I must tell you that art school was hard to get into, so thanks to everybody that helped and encouraged me. When I was a little kid, I would always watch cartoons like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Biker Mice, occasionally Street Sharks, Power Rangers, Captin Planet, Disney movies, and all those Nickelodeon cartoons. Sometimes I would actually think that I was a character in one of those cartoons and I would role play them lol. I have a really funny story about when I did that one time, but I won't share tit, because it would probably disturb you lol. I would also make up my own characters like Brain(which was my brain who sat in a chair in his study room and would create animated scenes with my characters in them), Heart(which was my heart and would talk to Brain about stuff), and Junior(which was my heart's son). So I was a weird little kid with a strange imagination. My intrest in cartoon shows never faded, and now I love to draw and watch anime shows on cartoon network. I mostly draw anime, but I like drawing other things too. My favorite anime shows are FLCL, .hack//sign, and Rurouni Kenshin--they rule! Yeah, yeah...I'm a pathetic, anime-obsessed teenager, who watches cartoons and reads manga cause I have nothing else to do with my time :P I also like to play basketball as a hobby (which by the way, my basketball team is awesome). However, I'm quiting high school sports next year, because I am going to an art school, and I want to concentrate more on art since I'm best at that than any of my other hobbies (although art is more of a passion than a hobby to me).
        I'm hoping to add more artwork some time soon. I'm also thinking about adding a photography page, cause I like doing photography too. Well, there's nothing else to really say about me. Hope  you enjoy or have enjoyed this site. And I'll leave you with a word of advice: DO NOT USE MY PIC WITHOUT MY PERMISSION OR I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN AND GET THE F.B.I ON YOU!!! Enough said. 

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