My Original Artwork
New Messages


7-1-04- *Takes a deep breath* Okay, I'm running out of disk space for this site which really stinks, therefore, I will have to basically delete a picture every time I add a new one. I had to delete my paintings page--we're all sad about that... I've also had to delete old pictures.

6/22/04- NEW!! I made a site with a detailed summary of my first story Foreign Home so you can see where some of these pics come from. Check it out!!

6/21/04- Guess what! I don't have to take any placement tests!!!! Whoo hoo!! Now for a stress free summer. I just got back from Washington DC. Fun trip,  but a very long way to drive. I'm adding alot more stuff, so check into this site every other day. Oh, and I went to a wedding and the reception didn't have cheese cubes!!  >.< GAH!

6/4/04- I'm probably not going to get to update my site for a couple weeks considering that I have 9 placement tests to take for the art school ....ugh. Fun stuff.

5-23-04  I have added a couple more links to the link page. I'm also doing some more upgrading today, so check back this afternoon.

8/17/03- Check out my new Miscellaneous page!

1-26-03: Sorry, but I haven't gotten around to drawing much lately, because of school. Hopefully, I can get around to drawing sometime soon. Oh, as for the contest no one won. Maybe, I'll start a new one....maybe.

12/7/02- I'm starting my first anime contest! Visit the contest page for details.

12/5/02- I can't get on the computer much now becuase I'm grounded, but I'll bring in some new pics when it's over.

11/21/02- Ok. I've fixed my scanner now, so I'm going to be posting some new stuff soon. Sorry for the delay.

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