My Original Artwork

Here are some links for you to visit:

The Best of my Artwork

This is my newest site that has all my BEST art on it. Check it out.

My Story

 Woo Hoo!! I finally got time to make a site for my first story Foreign Home so you can see where some of my pics off of this site come from. It's really a detailed summary divided up in 7 chapters. Check it out!

This is a site where you can upload your artwork and other people can see it. It more of an anime fanart site, but you can enter anything you've drawn. Once you've uploaded a pic here, it gets sent to a gallery and people can see it and review it. However, you only get a limited amount of space on your account, and sometimes the server can get messed up (it happens often).

If you're wondering how to draw anime, this site has some tutorials to get you started. It's not the best tutorial site, but it'll do.

8 Volt

This is my school mate's site. It has a collection of a few pics on my site and other pics that other people drew. It also has other stuff on it too. Check it out.

Digital Blasphemy

This is a really cool site. It has a collection of digital artwork that looks really cool. You should stop by this site.


This is the server I use to run my website. If you want to create a site of your own, use tripod. It's great if you want to make a site. Not to mention it's free and has a lot of space. In fact, I think it's WAY better geocities.

Fanart Central

This site is simmilar to mediaminer. It is a fanart site meant for mainly anime, but you can upload any kind of drawing. Lately, it's been giving me some trouble, so I haven't been using it much.

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