Hello. My name is Lauren, and I finally got to make
this site. I hope you liked my story if you've read it. It took me at least two years to write. I actually finished it, unlike
some of my stories I write. "I guess I'm just too A.D.D. to finish anything,"--in the words of D. Raburn. I usually draw the
characters before I write the story. I'm obviously not a professional writer, and I must admit I like drawing more than writing.
Sometimes, I draw manga (anime comics) to have pictures and words at the same time. I like to draw, write (occasionally),
and play basketball. Well, other than that, there's not much to say about me. Oh, I'm a terrible speller so email me at lleslie@megagate.com if you see anything wrong with this site, or if you just want to comment or ask questions. I would love reviews ^_^