Adina (Ad-eena)- She was Akarae's cousin, who escaped
the destruction of Zeloc in the begining of the story. She doesn't have much control over her powers, so she uses her double-bladed
staff most of the time. She isn't as agressive as Akarae. When I first wrote the story, there was no mention of her.
I added her when I started to write a prequel for this story.
Shezara (She *as in "shed"*-zara) I thought it would be intresting if the main character, Shezara, was the somewhat the antagonist and turned
into a protagonist. I also wanted to make her personality agressive but with a soft side. Her personality is the opposit of
mine, which made her character fun to work with. I had always imagined her as a girl, cause even though her personality
is rough, there was no way I was going to change her into a guy. Besides, if I did that, then I'd have to make a bunch of
changes, and frankly, I didn't want to do that.
Sotarue (So-tar-oo)- I came up with Sotarue and
figured out a role for him. Since there really was no bad guy, I decided to put him in that role even though he was a Zelian.
I thought that putting a Zelian as the main bad guy, would give the story more of a twist. He's a strong and strong-willed
figure with a prideful attitude, but he shows his a small soft side when he spends all that time with Shezara. His original
name was Matarue, but I changed it because one of my friends was writing a story and had the same name in her story. So I
changed the name a little.
Kiora (Ki-ora) and Sanyu
(San-yoo)- The twins (Kiora and Sanyu) didn't come until later when my story was about 115 pages long typed. I felt
like the story was a little too serious and the characters were too serious most of the time, so I added the twins. They gave
the story a little more energy with their personalities in times that could be too serious and boring. Besides, I think Shezara
needed a couple more human friends anyway. Their names mean "happiness" and "love." I got their names off of
Varamai (Var-a-my)- These are creatures much like
horses, but much bigger and furrier than horses. They have really long ears and saber-tooth tiger teeth in the front of their
mouths. They also have a horn on their nose and one on their forehead. They are rare and powerful creatures that can
run extremily fast and jump really high despite all their muscle mass. They're only found on Zeloc.
Dyntai (Di-en-tie)- Dyntai didn't come into the
story until it was about 115 pages typed. Dyntai is a varamai, and Shezara's father found him injured. He
was Shezara's father's companion in battle. He is a faithful and loyal character. His original name was Quintai,
but I changed it recently. The reason I did that was because of an ugly cartoon character, named Quintus, in my Latin
Zelians (Zel-ee-ans)- The Zelians are the race
of peaople who inhabit Zeloc. They tried to move to earth because of a problem with their planet, but they end up getting
stuck in a long war with earth instead. When I first wrote this story, the Zelians were just a bunch of warlike people,
who wanted to pick a fight with earth, but now they actually have a reason to get involved in a war.
Kael Kyweh (Kay-el Ky-way)- He is Shezara's
father who fights Akarae in a huge battle at the begining of the story. He is the greatest warrior on Zeloc and also
the emperor. He didn't have a name when I first wrote the story, but instead he was just "Shezara's father" and he was
just a warrior.
Dr. Vince- an old respected doctor,
who doesn't have anything against Zelians, because of a Zelian friend he had when he was young. He came from Ireland, but
because he was hiding his Zelian friend durning the war, he was banished from Ireland. He saved Shezara from exocution and
starts living with Lee and Shezara as an outlaw. Why did he go to live with Shezara and Lee as an outlaw? Read the story.
Lee Sarkue (Lee Sar-koo) - He is the son of Akarae,
and inherited his father's Zelian powers. He is also a sword user, but his skills aren't as great as his father's. Unlike
Akarae, Lee has a very kind and generous attitude, but he can be agressive if he needs too. The reason he doesn't mind
Zelians unlike the other humans, is because when he was little, after Adina escaped from Zeloc and the war was over, she told
him of how Akarae had killed so many Zelians. Lee decided not to be like his father was, and he changed his
attitude toward the Zelians. (All that is explaned in my prequel which I'm working on). In Foreign Home he plays
an important role in softening Shezara's heart and befriending her.
Riyu (Ry-oo)- He is a middle-aged man who leads
a gang in Aragon called the Sonatari gang. All he cares about is fighting and he will pick a fight with almost anyone. He
isn't mentioned very much in my story. He shows up three times. I'm tried to put him somewhere else in my story, but I feared
he would change the storyline up somehow. I didn't want him to distract from the main point in the story.
Naava (Nay-a-vah)- I added her in after I added
everything else. She is Shezara's friend and gets killed by Akarae when he attacks her village. I wanted to add her to make
the begining of the story more dramatic.