My Story
Chapter 1
What you need to Know
Auther's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Pictures from Foreign Home
About Me

CHAPTER 1: The Great War

         There once was a very small planet called Zeloc and it's people, the Zelians. Princess Shezara was a small Zelian girl and her father, who was the strongest warrior and emperor ruled Zeloc along with Shezara's mother, Empress Mcani. The small planet was once rich in soil and vegetation, and the people lived happily there. However, a rebeleous Zelian went to earth, which was strictly forbbiden by The Great Dragon. The dragon became furious and took out his rage on Zeloc. The planet became a hot dessert with canyons and platous laid on it. Over the years, the plants stopped growing and died, and the water began to dry out. The people were dying because of no food or water.Therefore, the Zelians decided to evacuate Zeloc and live on another planet. They found earth and wanted to live there, but the humans wouldn't let them; so Zeloc and Earth went to war for a long period of time. Shezara knew little of the war, but her father was away trying to fight off a human named Akarae Sarkue, who had came to Zeloc and was causing terror to Zeloc.             
          Akarae was no ordinary human. He and his relatives were descendents of the rebeleous Zelian, who had come to earth. He was a master in his own sword technique, and he seemed unbeatable. Akarae came to Zeloc with his cousin, Adina, and killed off almost all of the Zelians since their powers were far from matching his. He killed little Shezara's brother, and then he killed her mother right in front of her eyes as they were trying to escape him, and he knocked Shezara unconscious. Thinking that she dead, Akarae left her, until Shezara's father came to rescue her.  Shezara's father and she rode Dyntai, Kael's faithful companion, and left the palace. 
        They passed by the village of Shezara's friend, Naava, and Shezara wanted to stop and see her. When she was walking through the village, she noticed it was empty, which was strange. Shezara turned a corner of one of the streets and saw some villagers lying dead in the streets. Shezara's eyes widened at the horrific site, and she looked around and saw Naava. Shezara ran to her as fast as she could, and bent down beside Naava. Naava had a deep wound in her side from the sword of Akarae. They talked for a moment, until little Naava shut her eyes and died. Shezara had tears overflowing in her eyes, and her father tried to comfort her. A few minutes later they continued to ride through Zeloc. Shezara didn't know where they were going though.
          Finally, they Stopped for the night and Shezara asked her father many questions about Akarae and the war, and Kael had to explain everything about the war to Shezara. Then he handed her a necklace with a mystical stone attached to it. He told her that the stone had been passed down the royal Zelian family line, and that it holds the power of the Great Dragon; however, he said to her that she can only use it once in her life.
       Early the next day, they headed out again. When Kael sensed Akarae's energy, he dropped Shezara off at a deserted place in Zeloc and told her to leave Zeloc and go to earth, and he continued ride Dyntai until he met Akarae far away from where he left Shezara. 
          Shezara did not go to earth, but instead, she stayed and waited for her father to return. She spent several hours by herself, until Dyntai franticly came to take her to the place where her father was fighting. She arrived to the scene of the fight just in time to see her father defeat Akarae; however, Adina had retreated back to earth already. There was a huge gap in the ground where Akarae had blasted his energy to destory the planet and end the war. Kael was badly wounded. Shezara felt the ground shake and begin to heat up. Kael told her and Dyntai to go to earth without him, but Shezara refused to leave him.         
        Being badly injured and over bleeding, Kael fell to the ground died a few moments later; but before he died he told Dyntai to look out for Shezara, and he told Shezara to never forget her people or her planet. With tears in her eyes, she knew she had to survive for her people, so she tied her father's sword sheath around her tiny waist and put his sword in it.
         Little Shezara was devastated, but they left for earth just as the planet was forming cracks. When Dyntai and Shezara finally got out of Zeloc, the planet ruptured, and huge masses of debris and rock shot out at them. Dyntaiand Shezara were separated from each other, and Shezara was hit by a huge rock and became unconscious.