My Story
Chapter 5
What you need to Know
Auther's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Pictures from Foreign Home
About Me

CHAPTER 5: Unfinished Business

        The next cold, snowy day Shezara and Sotarue carried out their plot as they had planned. They found Lee at Shezara's old house in the snow-covered valley. He gave Shezara a warm greeting but didn't receive one from her. Instead, Shezara told Lee that she was going to kill him. Lee saw that she has turned back into her old self again, so he had no other choice but to fight her.
      They fought for a long time, and Shezara had the advantage, because she had become stronger. After a while Lee couldn't stand up any longer, and collapsed in the snow on the ground. As he lied helplessly on the ground, and Shezara walked over to him with her sword drawn.  Lee looked her straight in the eyes as she raised the blade. Then, she remembered their friendship, and how Lee spared her life twice when he could have killed her. Tears formed in her eyes as she realized that she could not kill him.
        Sotarue was angry with her, and told Shezara to finish him off, but she didn't. When she kept refusing to kill Lee, Sotarue grew furious and told her that he was the one who told the officers where she lived. She was shocked and asked him why he did that; so he told her that he did it so she wouldn't be with Lee anymore. Sotarue had hated Lee ever since he met him and he didn't want her hang around such a dangerous human. Shezara ended up having to fight a painful battle with Sotarue, who was much stronger than she. Lee stepped in to help her, but he was too weak to defeat Sotarue, and he was injured even worse by Sotarue. Dyntai, who was watching them, saw a huge shot of Sotarue's power rushing towards Shezara. He remembered that Kael told him to protect Shezara at all times, so Dyntai ran in front of the blast and was on the verge of death and closed his eyes after the powerful blow. Shezara's heart was broken when she saw what had happened, and she thought he was dead. Sotarue seemed to have much more energy left than Shezara did, but then she remembered the stone that her father gave her a long time ago. It still hung around her neck, and she held the stone in her hand and held it up to the sky. Suddenly, a strange light came from the dark sky and shaped itself in the form of a dragon. Shezara's and Sotarue's eyes widened at the site of their lord, the Great Dragon. Then the Dragon's light plunged down onto Shezara. Sotarue was confused when he saw Shezara surrounded by a bright golden light. Her wounds were healed and she was overflowing with power and energy.
         They continued fighting, and Shezara defeated Sotarue, but she did not consider it a win. She had killed him, and now she was the only Zelian left.
        Sorrow took control of her, as she knew that she had hurt two of the people she loved and her father's long-time companion. Shezara walked over to Lee, who seemed on the verge of death, and took him to a city to see a doctor. She knew that if she showed herself to the humans, she would be in danger; but she had no other choice.